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Tree Grid
I have been studying and trying this example to implement similar approach in one of my project, but I have one issue.
If I click the "+" in one of the rows, it calls expandRow()
and I get runtime error when calling this function.
This is I believe is due to the 2nd and 3rd parameter.
The second parameter has valid value (grida-row-0)
The thirdparameter "row.getProperty("item/index")" always gives me runtime error.
The only difference is that instead of using
var obj = new Active.Controls.Grid;
I am using
var obj = new AW.Grid.Extended;
since when using Active.Controls.Grid, I get ("Active undefined") error. I am using AW 2.0.
I even tried replacing the third parameter with just "index". then inside
expandRow, when doing document.getElementById(rowId), I get "null".
Can anyone please help me if I am missing anything.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Also in AW2.0, I am not sure if "Active.Templates.Row" is still available or the librarary name has changed. I am currently using:
var row = new Active.Templates.Row;
But this does not seem to work saying "Active undefined".
Please let me know if anything changed.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thanks Carlos,
I missed checking ver 2.0 examples. Thanks for correcting me, I will take a look into the link pointed by you and other ver 2 examples and let you know If I have any questions.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
This topic is archived.
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