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Firefox wrapped headers bug
I've noticed that in firefox if you have headers with textwrap on, the headers with 2 lines or more gets very picky when trying to click on the header to sort by that column. It seems that I have to click on the very bottom or very top of the header (not where text is) for it to actually recognize the click. This does not happen in IE. Is this a known issue?
Sam O.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Yes, I found the same problem last November. I thought I reported it but I can't find my post now.
I debugged it with FireBug and found it was related to the span the header click event was related to. I recall this changes between single line header text and multi-line but I've forgotten the rest of the details now.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Did you happen to obtain a fix or did anyone get back to you? I found your original post but it looks like there was no resolution to it.
Sam O.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Hi Sam, no, I've not seen any more on this. If Alex has noted this as a bug, then it will probably be fixed in a later version.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
This topic is archived.
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