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DateFormat is not working in GRID

I have following code and date format in display of grid is not working,
Can any one guess what's happening?

function addrowsX(date){
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var schedulePeriod = i + 1;
var startDate = new Date(date);
startDate.setMonth(startDate.getMonth() + i);
var endDate = new Date(startDate);
endDate.setMonth(endDate.getMonth() + 1);
endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() -1);
grdSwapSchedule.data[grdSwapSchedule.data.length] = [0,schedulePeriod, startDate, endDate, 'N'];
grdSwapSchedule.addRow(grdSwapSchedule.data.length - 1);

Also I have common code where i m formating cell as following:
* Converts the specified table to an Active Widgets grid.

function convertTable(table)
var dateFormat = new AW.Formats.Date();

var numberFormat = new AW.Formats.Number();
var stringFormat = new AW.Formats.String();

var columns = new Array();
var formats = new Array();
var displayColumnIndices = new Array();

var headerRow = table.rows[0];

for (var i = 0; i < headerRow.cells.length; i++)
columns[i] = headerRow.cells[i].innerHTML;

if (headerRow.cells[i].getAttribute('format') == 'date')
formats[i] = dateFormat;
else if (headerRow.cells[i].getAttribute('format') == 'number')
formats[i] = numberFormat;
formats[i] = stringFormat;

if (headerRow.cells[i].className != 'hidden')
displayColumnIndices[displayColumnIndices.length] = i;

var rowClickListeners = new Array();
var rowDoubleClickListeners = new Array();
var tooltips = new Array();
var data = new Array();

//Fixes bug where empty data causes a bug when adding new rows.
var deleteFirstRow = true;
data[0] = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++)
data[0][i] = '';

for (var rowIndex = 1; rowIndex < table.rows.length; rowIndex++)
deleteFirstRow = false;

var row = table.rows[rowIndex];

data[rowIndex - 1] = new Array();
for (var colIndex = 0; colIndex < row.cells.length; colIndex++)
data[rowIndex - 1][colIndex] = row.cells[colIndex].innerHTML;

if (row.getAttribute('tooltip'))
tooltips[rowIndex - 1] = row.getAttribute('tooltip');

rowClickListeners[rowIndex - 1] = row.onclick;

if (row.getAttribute('onclick'))
rowDoubleClickListeners[rowIndex - 1] = new Function('event', 'index', row.getAttribute('onclick'));

if (row.getAttribute('ondoubleclick'))
rowDoubleClickListeners[rowIndex - 1] = new Function('event', 'index', row.getAttribute('ondoubleclick'));

var grid = new AW.UI.Grid();
grid.data = data;
grid.setVirtualMode(table.getAttribute('virtual') != 'false');

grid.tooltips = tooltips;
grid.setCellTooltip(function(col, row){return this.tooltips[row] ? this.tooltips[row] : '';});
if(table.getAttribute('headerSorting') == 'false') grid.onHeaderClicked = function(){ return true;};
grid.rowClickListeners = rowClickListeners;
grid.onRowClicked = function(event, index){if (this.rowClickListeners[index]) this.rowClickListeners[index](event, index);};
grid.onRowShiftClicked = function(event, index){if (this.rowClickListeners[index]) this.rowClickListeners[index](event, index);};

grid.rowDoubleClickListeners = rowDoubleClickListeners;
grid.onRowDoubleClicked = function(event, index){if (this.rowDoubleClickListeners[index]) this.rowDoubleClickListeners[index](event, index);};
grid.onRowShiftDoubleClicked = function(event, index){if (this.rowDoubleClickListeners[index]) this.rowDoubleClickListeners[index](event, index);};

var parentNode = table.parentNode;
parentNode.innerHTML = grid;

//See work around for bug detailed above.
if (deleteFirstRow)
grid.setRowState('deleted', 0);

//DO NOT MOVE THIS - setting it before the grid is displayed causes an error - NH 4/2007.

return grid;

and HTML code is below.


<th format="number">id</th>
<th format="number">Scheduled Period</th>
<th format="date">Start Date</th>
<th format="date">End Date</th>
<th>Extra Ordinary Period</th>

Naresh C
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Can Any one help, I am having hard time....
Naresh C
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
NOTE: 'MMM' is not included in format pattern tokens ?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Even "dd-mmm-yyyy" doesn't work for me. not sure what is the problem with the grid. I make a work around although not a good thing but setting date as string in above format and unformating string and create javascript date when sending to server. what can I do !!!

If you can help me to sort out this issue i will be very thankful to you.
Also in above code convertTable(table) called on html onload function which return grdSwapSchedule grid..

Naresh C
Thursday, May 21, 2009

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