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IE7 grid is slow, Firefox ok and Chrome too


I'm testing my grid with 105 records and the rendering is unusually slow with IE7. I've tried this code:
obj.setVirtualMode(obj.getRowCount() > 20 ? true : false);

but don't get any improvements.

In Firefox 2.0, rendering and loading time are perfect and in Chrome as well.

Is there something else I could do to improve this?

My table data is taken from a MySQL database.

Here is a sample data of a row:

["<a href=\"edit_record.php?id=1&table=Registrations\"><img src=\"images/editIcon.gif\" width=\"18\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\"/></a>","<a href=\"delete_record.php?id=1&table=Registrations\"><img src=\"images/deleteIcon.gif\" width=\"25\" height=\"19\" onClick=\"return confirm_deletion()\" border=\"0\"/></a>","1","2009-09-10","Testing User","Canada","tester@tester.com","123-456-7890","2"],

Could the img tags actually slow down the browser? Is there any patch for this?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Is it still slow with obj.setVirtualMode(true)?
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Monday, September 21, 2009

This topic is archived.

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