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How can I change the row heading width?
I am trying to change the row heading width and I can't seem to do so. any pointers?
Friday, October 31, 2003
To change the row header width you need to modify four style settings. Here is the example how to set a row header width to 50px:
.active-scroll-left, .active-scroll-corner {width: 50px}
.active-scroll-top, .active-scroll-data {padding-left: 50px}
If you put 0px instead â the row headers will be completely hidden.
This style manipulation is not very obvious, so I probably need to create a javascript method (setRowHeaderWidth ?) to apply all necessary style changes in one go.
This is how you can set column header height:
.active-scroll-top, .active-scroll-corner {height: 25px}
.active-scroll-left, .active-scroll-data {padding-top: 25px}
I noticed a few bugs, which Iâll try to correct in the next release:
- height of the column headings filler (rightmost element) doesnât change
- sort indicator is not aligned
- underscore character may appear below column resize area
- gecko only: column header text aligned to the top
Please let me know if you see more...
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Friday, October 31, 2003
how to explain row heaging
Thursday, April 20, 2006
This topic is archived.
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