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Tree Checkbox Event

Why when I click the tree sign it's changing the checkbox value at the same time? I only want the checkbox value to change when I click the checkbox??

This also serves as a good tree example with data, that I struggled to find on the support forum or in the documentation.

var Cattree = new Array;
var CattreeText = new Array;
var CattreeValue = new Array;//Checkbox code

Cattree[9] = [16,11,13,12];

CattreeText[16] = 'ACCESSORIES';
CattreeText[11] = 'BATTERIES';
CattreeText[13] = 'BRAKE PADS';
CattreeText[12] = 'SPARK PLUGS';

CattreeValue[16] = 'false';//Checkbox code
CattreeValue[11] = 'false';//Checkbox code
CattreeValue[13] = 'false';//Checkbox code
CattreeValue[12] = 'false';//Checkbox code

Cattree[10] = [15,14];
CattreeText[15] = 'GLOVES';
CattreeText[14] = 'HELMETS';

CattreeValue[15] = 'false';//Checkbox code
CattreeValue[14] = 'false';//Checkbox code

Cattree[0] = [9,10,18];
CattreeText[9] = 'PARTS';
CattreeText[10] = 'CLOTHING';

CattreeValue[9] = 'false';//Checkbox code
CattreeValue[10] = 'false';//Checkbox code
CattreeValue[18] = 'false';//Checkbox code

var MyTreeCheckboxCat = AW.Tree.Item.subclass();
MyTreeCheckboxCat.create = function(){
var treeCat = new AW.UI.Tree;
treeCat.setViewCount(function(i){return Cattree[i] ? Cattree[i].length : 0});
treeCat.setViewIndices(function(i){return Cattree[i]});
treeCat.setItemTemplate(new MyTreeCheckboxCat); treeCat.setItemValue(CattreeValue);

treeCat.onItemClicked = function(event, index){clickCat(index);}
Jez (True Track Software)
Monday, January 3, 2011
Due to the checkbox being loaded as a template into the AW.UI.Tree, it appears the tree sign and the Checkbox share the same value...?

Can they be separated, this is quite an important factor...

Jez (True Track Software)
Monday, January 3, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011

This topic is archived.

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