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sum 1 column to footer
I am trying to simply sum the numeric valued column 2 (zero-based) and have it show in footer. can someone please help?
I have added variation on parts of this suggested code to my already existing, well-functioning app. I get jibberish. can someone help me with the correct syntax to sum column 2? what about column 2 and 3?
Thank you.
var obj = new AW.UI.Grid;
var number = new AW.Formats.Number;
number.setTextFormat("$ #,###.##");
obj.setFooterData("1234567.890", 0);
obj.setFooterFormat(number, 0);
var data = this.getFooterData(i);
var format = this.getFooterFormat(i);
return format ? format.dataToText(data) : data;
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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