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Grid: Text selection in IE
with Firefox it's possible to select some text in a grid cell and copy just that piece of text to the clipboard (I don't talk about the functionality of copying the whole selected row(s) to the clipboard).
With Internet Explorer (tested with 7 and 8) this is not possible; it seems that text selection is disabled here.
Is there any way to activate text selection for Internet Explorer?
Best regards,
Thursday, November 10, 2011
By the way:
Chrome and Opera behaves exactly like IE, simple text-selection isn't possible.
Is there any way to reactivate text-selection, so it behaves like Firefox?
Friday, November 11, 2011
I did not find an easy way to do it. You can enable selection if you remove the focus callback, but that may break selection and copy/paste functionality -
obj.setEvent("onselectstart", "");
obj.focus = function(){};
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Hi Alex,
thanks for your answer. I use a different way now. Here is a simplified example:
var mouse = {
cell: {
row: -1,
col: -1
obj.onCellMouseDown = function(_ev, col, row) {
mouse.cell.row = row;
mouse.cell.col = col;
obj.getSelectedTextDefault = obj.getSelectedText;
obj.getSelectedText = function() {
if ( ( mouse.cell.col != -1 ) && ( mouse.cell.row != -1 ) ) {
if ( this.getCellTemplate(mouse.cell.col).constructor == (new AW.Templates.Image).constructor ) {
return '';
} else {
return this.getCellText(mouse.cell.col, mouse.cell.row);
if ( this.getSelectedTextDefault != null ) {
return this.getSelectedTextDefault()
} else {
return '';
obj.setEvent('onkeydown', function(_ev) {
var ev = ( window.event ? window.event : _ev );
if ( ev.ctrlKey ) {
mouse.cell.col = -1;
mouse.cell.row = -1;
Now it's possible to copy the text content of the active cell to the clipboard via context menu (only in Firefox and IE, but that's okay). And it's still possible to copy the whole row to the clipboard via STRG + C.
Best regards,
Monday, November 14, 2011
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