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multiline header
The activewidget tool is real cool. Most users dont like a horizontal scroll and hence is there a way that the header can have a multi line header? We tried seperating the two words with a <br> and then increased the height of the header but unfortunately the second word was no where to be seen. Could some one suggest a good solution such that some word like Finacial Benefit be placed in two lines on the header. We were successful in doing the same with the data rows but not with the header.
Thanks in advance for the help...
Uday Ramakrishna
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Same problem here
Monday, March 14, 2005
i got this to work by embedding the header text in a textarea, but of course then you cant have html in your header which is a bit too restrictive. Ultimately, the design is flawed because of an undocumented IE bug, and I never found any way around it within this framework. I still think Alex has a great thing going here, but I ended up coding my own grid control from scratch due to this limitation.
Monday, March 14, 2005
guess i should leave a name when i post ;) I wrote the above post.
Ryan Lauck
Monday, March 14, 2005
This topic is archived.
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