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DataFormat for numbers
I have a question. I am setting my number colum by number.setTextFormat("$ #,###.##");
So it shows up on the grid fine. ex. $ 40,101.45
When I go to read the text back, how can I read the actually number? ex. 40101.45. When I go to save my data, it doesn't like that there are $ and , in the number, so it can't convert it to a float. How can I do a table.getText(i,11) and read the right number?
For a temp fix. I just took out the number format, so my numbers show as they come in. ex. 40101.45
Monday, December 20, 2004
no one?
Friday, December 24, 2004
It's also give the problem when I trye integer format like "#,###"
the value return with multiply by 1,000
Thursday, February 3, 2005
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