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Sorting bug (sorting of checkboxes)?
Friday, January 14, 2005
By the way, this did not fix the problem:
obj2.setDataProperty("value", function(i,j){var Value=this.getDataText(i,j);if (Value=="true") return 1;if (Value=="false") return 0; return Value;});
The correct values are set for every checkboxes state, but it still would not sort correctly.
Friday, January 14, 2005
After further investigation, it seems that the sorting function works ok, but only until the first call of obj2.refresh();
So maybe the problem is there.
Friday, January 14, 2005
That's a good start :-) I can look into this. I'm not a strong DTML guy so don't hold on me. Keep trying your way too...
Few other people also reported the same but I was unable to understand and reproduce the problem.
Sudhaker Raj
Sudhaker Raj
Friday, January 14, 2005
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