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stable sorting

there is a sorting task in the available version. If you want to sort one column, the previous order of other columns will be confused.
This is based on the sort-methode of the javascript-array-type. This sort-algorithm is not stable. I have taken an implementation of the Merge-Sort-Algorithm and replaced the sort-methode in the grid-object.

If anyone needs this:

obj.sort = function(index, direction)
// Direction validieren
if (direction && direction != "ascending" )
direction = "descending";
direction = "ascending";

// Die Rows in ihrer augenblicklichen Sortierung holen
var rows = this.getRowProperty("values");

// Die Werte der entsprechenden Spalte zum Vergleichen holen
var a = {};
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++)
a[rows[i]] = this.getDataProperty("value", rows[i], index);

// creating copy for workspace
var workSpace = new Array(rows.length);

// creating bounds
var lowerBound = 0;
var upperBound = rows.length - 1;

// sort
obj.mergeSort(workSpace, lowerBound, upperBound, rows, a, direction);

// setze Werte neu
this.setRowProperty("values", rows);
this.setSortProperty("index", index);
this.setSortProperty("direction", direction);

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// die MergeSort-Methode auf dem Object
obj.mergeSort = function(workSpace, lowerBound, upperBound, arrayToSort, arrayToCompare, direction)
if (lowerBound == upperBound) // if range is 1,
return; // no use sorting
// find midpoint
var mid = Math.floor((lowerBound + upperBound) / 2);

// sort low half
this.mergeSort(workSpace, lowerBound, mid, arrayToSort, arrayToCompare, direction);

// sort high half
this.mergeSort(workSpace, mid + 1, upperBound, arrayToSort, arrayToCompare, direction);

// merge them
this.merge(workSpace, lowerBound, mid + 1, upperBound, arrayToSort, arrayToCompare, direction);

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// die Merge-Methode für das Merge-Sort
obj.merge = function(workSpace, lowPtr, highPtr, upperBound, theArray, arrayToCompare, direction)
var j = 0; // workspace index
var lowerBound = lowPtr;
var mid = highPtr - 1;
var n = upperBound - lowerBound + 1; // # of items

while (lowPtr <= mid && highPtr <= upperBound)
if (direction == "ascending")
if (arrayToCompare[theArray[lowPtr]].toUpperCase() <= arrayToCompare[theArray[highPtr]].toUpperCase())
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];
if (arrayToCompare[theArray[lowPtr]].toUpperCase() >= arrayToCompare[theArray[highPtr]].toUpperCase())
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];

while (lowPtr <= mid)
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];

while (highPtr <= upperBound)
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];

for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
theArray[lowerBound + j] = workSpace[j];
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Hi Steve,
Can you please give me a example of MergeSort . I have a scenario where I lose the sorting on my first column in case I call sorting on some other column. Can I use MergeSort in this case ?? Please let me know your inputs

Sachin Paradkar.
Sachin Paradkar.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Hi Steve ,
I got an easy method in JavaScript . Have a look , the number of lines of codes are less and could be done on multiple columns.The sorting is of character and numeric sort.

function mysortfn(a,b) {

if (a[0]<b[0]) return -1;
if (a[0]>b[0]) return 1 ;
//Sorting the 1th Column after sorting 1st/5th column records
if (a[1]<b[1]) return a[1] - b[1];
if (a[1]>b[1]) return a[1] - b[1];
//Sorting the sorted records for 5th Column Yes/No Yes records are before No records
if (a[8]<b[8]) return 1;
if (a[8]>b[8]) return -1 ;
//Sorting the 5th Column after sorting 1st/5th column records
if (a[5]<b[5]) return b[5] - a[5];
if (a[5]>b[5]) return b[5] - a[5];
return 0;
Sachin Paradkar.
Friday, April 29, 2005
what are the sorting method
Can you give me the list of it??
Sunday, May 1, 2005
what are the sorting method
Can you give me the list of it??
Sunday, May 1, 2005
Hi Helen,
I have implemented numerical and Alphabetical sorts . Call them in the Order you need . It Works.....
Call the sorting method from your Grid and specify the columns on which you need the sorting.

Sachin Paradkar.
Monday, May 2, 2005
The new 1.0.1 release has improved 'stable' sorting algorithm

Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Here it is a modified merge function to implemented numerical and date sorts:

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// die Merge-Methode für das Merge-Sort
obj.merge = function(workSpace, lowPtr, highPtr, upperBound, theArray, arrayToCompare, direction)
var j = 0; // workspace index
var lowerBound = lowPtr;
var mid = highPtr - 1;
var n = upperBound - lowerBound + 1; // # of items
var fecha1, fecha2, cmp = new Array(3), igual = new Array(3);

while (lowPtr <= mid && highPtr <= upperBound)
if (direction == "ascending")

// Comprobar si el dato a ordenar es una fecha
fecha1 = arrayToCompare[theArray[lowPtr]].split("/");
if(arrayToCompare[theArray[lowPtr]].length == 11 && fecha1.length == 3){ // lo es
fecha2 = arrayToCompare[theArray[highPtr]].split("/");
cmp[0] = eval(fecha1[0] < fecha2[0]) // dia
cmp[1] = eval(fecha1[1] < fecha2[1]) // mes
cmp[2] = eval(fecha1[2] < fecha2[2]) // año
igual[0] = eval(fecha1[0] == fecha2[0]) // dia
igual[1] = eval(fecha1[1] == fecha2[1]) // mes
igual[2] = eval(fecha1[2] == fecha2[2]) // año

if (igual[2]){

if (igual[1]){
if (cmp[0])
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];
if (cmp[1])
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];
if (cmp[2])
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];
else{ // resto
if (arrayToCompare[theArray[lowPtr]] <= arrayToCompare[theArray[highPtr]])
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];
// Comprobar si el dato a ordenar es una fecha
fecha1 = arrayToCompare[theArray[lowPtr]].split("/");
if(arrayToCompare[theArray[lowPtr]].length == 11 && fecha1.length == 3){ // lo es
fecha2 = arrayToCompare[theArray[highPtr]].split("/");
cmp[0] = eval(fecha1[0] > fecha2[0]) // dia
cmp[1] = eval(fecha1[1] > fecha2[1]) // mes
cmp[2] = eval(fecha1[2] > fecha2[2]) // año
igual[0] = eval(fecha1[0] == fecha2[0]) // dia
igual[1] = eval(fecha1[1] == fecha2[1]) // mes
igual[2] = eval(fecha1[2] == fecha2[2]) // año

if (igual[2]){
if (igual[1]){
if (cmp[0])
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];
if (cmp[1])
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];
if (cmp[2])
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];
if (arrayToCompare[theArray[lowPtr]] >= arrayToCompare[theArray[highPtr]])
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];

while (lowPtr <= mid)
workSpace[j++] = theArray[lowPtr++];

while (highPtr <= upperBound)
workSpace[j++] = theArray[highPtr++];

for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
theArray[lowerBound + j] = workSpace[j];
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

How can use it in a jsp ??
Alex T
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

This topic is archived.

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