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MouseEvent in php
I'd like to use the Mouse-Event in a php-file like shown in ActiveWidgets\examples\php\activewidgets.php.
So I have added the following lines:
$html .= " var row = new Active.Templates.Row;\n";
$html .= " row.setStyle('border-bottom','1px solid black');\n";
$html .= " row.setEvent('onmouseover', 'mouseover(this, 'active-row-highlight')');\n";
$html .= " row.setEvent('onmouseout', 'mouseout(this, 'active-row-highlight')');\n";
$html .= " $name.setTemplate('row',row);\n";
But this doesn't work and I think it is because of the ' at
'mouseover(this,'active-row-highlight')', but I don't know what to write instead.
Please help me....
Thank you for your help!!!
Monday, March 21, 2005
Try this
$html .= "row.setEvent('onmouseover', 'mouseover(this," + "'active-row-highlight')" + "');\n";
Monday, March 21, 2005
It's work!
$html .= " var row = new Active.Templates.Row;\n";
$html .= " row.setStyle('border-bottom','1px solid black');\n";
$html .= 'row.setEvent("onmouseover", "mouseover(this, '."'active-header-over')".'"'.");\n";
$html .= 'row.setEvent("onmouseleave", "mouseout(this, '."'active-header-over')".'"'.");\n";
$html .= " $name.setTemplate('row',row);\n";
Monday, March 28, 2005
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