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No KHTML/KJS/etc (Konq/Safari) compatibility
Doesn't work in Konqueror (3.1.4), nor Safari (not sure what version)
Wednesday, October 8, 2003
Nor in the KDE 3.2 alpha 2 release of Konqueror...
Wednesday, October 8, 2003
Sorry, it was too quick, too easy to write 'cross-browser'... Seriously, it's only IE 5.5+ and Gecko variants for the next 12 months. I'd love to support Konqueror but don't expect this soon.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, October 9, 2003
bummer. would love to see it work in safari.
Todd Breslow
Saturday, January 17, 2004
I'd love to make this working in safari. I'm ready to buy a Mac and spend a month as soon as somebody tells me that safari supports:
- CSS box-sizing : border-box; /* compatible with IE */
- scroll event
- XML HTTP request + XPath
- popup box/window
I was playing a little bit with Konqueror 3.0 and the first impression was - hopeless. KHTML might be a decent browser but no way close to an 'application platform'.
It is probably still possible to make something similar working in safari as it is today - but this would mean a special way of styling, special way of handling events, etc.
I very much like the idea that with current grid you need to do everything only once and it works for both IE and Mozilla (through emulation where necessary). I don't feel it will work the same way with safari.
Any comments?
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Saturday, January 17, 2004
Alex is right. However if Apple is right on its promises, Safari will act like Mozilla, so Alex shouldn't do anything to support Safari. Sooner Safari will handle everything fine. Once Safari matures, so the KTHML will too. So, basically nobody should tell Alex to change his code. They should go to Apple to speed up its development, which I am sure working very hard anyway.
Monday, January 19, 2004
Safari supports XML HTTP Request for certain. Not sure about the others.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
The start of this topic refers to 2003 :-)
Since then Safari and Opera made significant progress in Javascript/CSS support, including now famous XMLHTTPRequest object. I guess now it is much better chance that supporting those browsers could be technically possible.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Scroll event is supported as of Safari 1.2.4.
Jonathan Hurshman
Thursday, March 3, 2005
So if its technically possible, when can we expect a compatible version? A month? Two? Three?
Monday, March 14, 2005
Are you working on a version 2 release? Will it incorporate safari compatibility.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
any additional word on supporting safari?
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Has anything changed with the newer versions of safari.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I am currently working on Safari support and most likely it will be included in version 2 of the grid or soon after that. This also requires to support strict (standards-compliant box model) rendering which is quite a lot of work.
I did not come to XML data models yet. Safari does not support XPath, so XML data model there might have very limited functionality.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
You might want to consider integrating a 3rd party product like Sarissa (
http://sourceforge.net/projects/sarissa) to provide cross-platform XML support.
Also, any idea when an alpha or beta of version 2 might be available?
Monday, June 27, 2005
Alex (ActiveWidgets),
I too would like to know when the alpha version would be ready for download.
I have a number of request for support of the Safari browser on a Mac, but have simply been telling them that my implementation is more of an application, and not just a website. Their experience with the Safari browser must not be very good to date, so they're pretty understanding when they see that it won't work.
Plus, the Safari browser on a Mac is only 1.79% of my traffic anyhow, so it would be like reducing the speed limits on the entire national highway system to compensate for the slower original model-T's.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
I still don't understand why people use Safari and Konqueror, they are both crap browsers. But I do understand some people like to be different (I guess). Problem in developing cross browser compatibility is that there are so many browsers that don't support one DOM or JS standard. For most cases you have to write more code, to do the same thing. This sucks, because you clog up pages with code rather than content. You have to blame the browser creators and not the tool coders like Alex. Safari will change because Apple knows that they must pull their code to support known standards.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
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