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to call a jsp file from another jsp (struts)using javascript hyperlink

iam having a jsp called childinfotab.jsp, inthat a link is there inturn it is also a jsp , we are using struts frame work, if i click that link directly jsp is calling but as per my requirement it should go to action.do and thrugh mapping jsp should be displayed. pls find the solution
Friday, April 29, 2005

Can anyone assist me - I need to insert the script below into my web pages using javascript - Help!!!

/* ***********************************************************************
Insert Date Time and Last Date the Document was Modified Script to be inserted into Web Page as the string tfct
************************************************************************** */

<!-- day and date here -->
&nbsp;<font face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-2 color="#000000"> The Date is -
<script language="JavaScript">
var days = new Array("","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");
var months = new Array("","January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
var dateObj = new Date()
var wday = days[dateObj.getDay() + 1]
var lmonth = months[dateObj.getMonth() + 1]
var date = dateObj.getDate()
document.write(wday + ", " + lmonth + " " + date)
// -->
<font size=1 color=yellow>
// format date as dd-mmm-yy
// example: 12-Jan-99
function date_ddmmmyy(date)
var d = date.getDate();
var m = date.getMonth() + 1;
var y = date.getYear() + 0;

// handle different year values
// returned by IE and NS in
// the year 2000.
if(y >= 2000)
y -= 2000;
if(y >= 100)
y -= 100;

// could use splitString() here
// but the following method is
// more compatible
var mmm =
( 1==m)?'Jan':( 2==m)?'Feb':(3==m)?'Mar':
( 4==m)?'Apr':( 5==m)?'May':(6==m)?'Jun':
( 7==m)?'Jul':( 8==m)?'Aug':(9==m)?'Sep':

return "" +
(d<10?"0"+d:d) + "-" +
mmm + "-" +

// get last modified date of the
// current document.
function date_lastmodified()
var lmd = document.lastModified;
var s = "Unknown";
var d1;

// check if we have a valid date
// before proceeding
if(0 != (d1=Date.parse(lmd)))
s = "" + date_ddmmmyy(new Date(d1));

return s;

// finally display the last modified date
// as DD-MMM-YY
"This site was last updated on " +
date_lastmodified() );

// -->
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
I'd use copy and paste!
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Dear Vikram,
The above code displays the current date.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
How To Insert To DB (i mean MySQL)
Monday, June 12, 2006
Simply by using
<jsp:forward "pagename">
-Amit Aher , INDIA
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Simply by using
<jsp:forward "pagename">
-Amit A. Aher ,
Samsej Infosystems , Pune,
+91 - 9960266580
Friday, July 21, 2006

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