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WAI Accessibility


anyone managed to get this working in Tables rather than DIVs?

I have to get the grid working as close to WAI compliance as possible?

Currently trying to do it with the basic.html in the examples.
Monday, May 9, 2005
Yes. and what is WAI? and whats the question?
Monday, May 9, 2005
Hi Inoni,

WAI - Web Accessability Initiative - ensures your site can be used by as wide a range of users as possible - regardless of disability or browsing device.

Can you post your code that uses tables? Would greatly appreciate it.

I need each 'cell' in the grid to be in a <td> and each row to be in a <tr> so that screen readers will read the data correctly as a table

Tuesday, May 10, 2005
ActiveWidget is done completely with DIVs - there are no TDs and TRs. You would have to look for something else.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

This topic is archived.

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