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Suggestions for additions

In my opinion all grid parameters sholud be initialized simply, centrally and not by calling different object.
A programmer using the current version has to go through a lot of examples and reading materials to get a grasp of using the grid and thus this is a commercial dis-benefit for AW.

Here is an example:
//do not change variable names
var AWData = [GridData1, GridData2, GridData3, GridData4, GridData5];
var AWColumnSizes = [100, 110, 70, 50, 0];
var AWColumnFormats = "NO_SORT", "STRING", "NUMBER" , "DATE", "LINK"];
var AWColumns = ["a","b", "c","d"];
var AWRowHeaderwidth= .... etc.
var ....etc.

and finish width:


Thus init is very simple to all level of users can be implemented dynamically in various ways, with no need to understand the object model.

For more advanced users I would suggest adding more "get" object handling functions to help interact with model object in various ways. and of course publish a list of all functions (Quick help file).

Please notice that 80% of user problems is on "how-to" - and its only because of the way the grid is presented for use.

In the Current version I found that I have to implement my own standard functions, and had to familiarise my self with the object model,
and if it would have been inclosed and wrapped properly there would be no need even to open grid.js

D.A.U.W ("do as you will")
Monday, May 9, 2005

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