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Is it possible to work with Windows 2000
The grid is not displaying in the browser (explorer 6.0)
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
The O/S is not your problem. You are missing something important, like not inclugind grid.js or not including grid.css/
Jim Hunter
Friday, May 27, 2005
we are download this folder it is working in 98 but ,same copying into 2000 not displaying the grid actually with the same code
Monday, May 30, 2005
If you double check your version of IE, you are probably going to find that you are running IE 5.0, as this is the version that is installed by default in Windows 2000. You need 5.5 or greater to run AW. Once you upgrade IE you will find that it runs just fine in Windows 2000. And if you need proof I will send you screen shots of it working in a new install of Win2000 using IE 6.0.
Jim Hunter
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
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