Using Firefox 1.03 I am viewing a grid inside of a div. The div is smaller than the total grid size. The scroll bars show up, but if I use them, the areas that didn't fit in the div before scrolling show up blank. In IE though, you can scroll over and see the additional columns. Any thoughts? Is there a suggested fix for this already out there?
I take that back, it is only after I resize the div that the scroll bars and what is visible is messed up. You can try the following with the code from the resizable grid example also included. In IE after a drag or resize all is fine. Use upper left to drag and any edge to resize.
<title>ActiveWidgets Grid :: Examples</title>
body, html {margin:0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden;border:none}
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font-weight: normal;
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background:url('runtime/styles/xp/loading.gif') no-repeat;
<!-- grid data -->
var myData = [
["MSFT","Microsoft Corporation", "314,571.156", "32,187.000", "55000"],
["ORCL", "Oracle Corporation", "62,615.266", "9,519.000", "40650"],
["SAP", "SAP AG (ADR)", "40,986.328", "8,296.420", "28961"],
["CA", "Computer Associates Inter", "15,606.335", "3,164.000", "16000"],
["ERTS", "Electronic Arts Inc.", "14,490.895", "2,503.727", "4000"],
["SFTBF", "Softbank Corp. (ADR)", "14,485.840", ".000", "6865"],
["VRTS", "Veritas Software Corp.", "14,444.272", "1,578.658", "5647"],
["SYMC", "Symantec Corporation", "9,932.483", "1,482.029", "4300"],
["INFY", "Infosys Technologies Ltd.", "9,763.851", "830.748", "15400"],
["INTU", "Intuit Inc.", "9,702.477", "1,650.743", "6700"],
["ADBE", "Adobe Systems Incorporate", "9,533.050", "1,230.817", "3341"],
["PSFT", "PeopleSoft, Inc.", "8,246.467", "1,941.167", "8180"],
["SEBL", "Siebel Systems, Inc.", "5,434.649", "1,417.952", "5909"],
["BEAS", "BEA Systems, Inc.", "5,111.813", "965.694", "3063"],
["SNPS", "Synopsys, Inc.", "4,482.535", "1,169.786", "4254"],
["CHKP", "Check Point Software Tech", "4,396.853", "424.769", "1203"],
["MERQ", "Mercury Interactive Corp.", "4,325.488", "444.063", "1822"],
["DOX", "Amdocs Limited", "4,288.017", "1,427.088", "9400"],
["CTXS", "Citrix Systems, Inc.", "3,946.485", "554.222", "1670"],
["KNM", "Konami Corporation (ADR)", "3,710.784", ".000", "4313"]
var myColumns = [
"Ticker", "Company Name", "Market Cap.", "$ Sales", "Employees"
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// Copyright 2001 by Mike Hall.
// See for terms of use.
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<!-- ActiveWidgets stylesheet and scripts -->
<link href="runtime/styles/xp/grid.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ></link>
<script src="runtime/lib/grid.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="lib/genresize.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="lib/ieemu.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
if (moz) {
emulateEventHandlers(["mousemove", "mousedown", "mouseup"]);
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.active-row-highlight .active-row-cell {background-color: #ddeeff;}
.active-mark-true .active-column-2 {color: #f00}
<DIV class="resizeMe" id="DivCont1">
try {
document.getElementById('DivCont1').style.position = "absolute";
document.getElementById("DivCont1").style.height = "252px";
document.getElementById("DivCont1").style.width = "525px";
document.getElementById("DivCont1").style.left = "0px";
document.getElementById("DivCont1") = "0px";
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stylesheetX.addRule('#DivCont1', 'left: 50px');
stylesheetX.addRule('#DivCont1', 'border: black 4px solid');
var table = new Active.Text.Table;
//The data model should know the URL of the file.
table.setProperty("URL", "companies.txt");
//And you should ask the model to start loading the file.
// create ActiveWidgets Grid javascript object
var obj = new Active.Controls.Grid;
// set number of rows/columns
//obj.setRowProperty("count", 20); let be determined by file
obj.setColumnProperty("count", 5);
// provide cells and headers text
//obj.setDataProperty("text", function(i, j){return myData[i][j]});
obj.setColumnProperty("text", function(i){return myColumns[i]});
//it is assigned our new external data model.
obj.setModel("data", table);
// set headers width/height
var alternate = function(){
return this.getProperty("row/order") % 2 ? "#fcfaf6" : "#ffffff";
var mark = function(){
var i = this.getProperty("row/index");
return (i==2 || i==4 || i==5) ? true : false;
var row = new Active.Templates.Row;
row.setStyle("background", alternate);
row.setClass("mark", mark);
row.setEvent("onmouseover", "mouseover(this, 'active-row-highlight')");
row.setEvent("onmouseout", "mouseout(this, 'active-row-highlight')");
obj.setTemplate("row", row);
// set click action handler
obj.setAction("click", function(src){window.status = src.getItemProperty("text")});
//text of top left corner
obj.getLayoutTemplate().setContent("corner/box/item", "Drag");
//EVENT of top left corner
var corner = obj.getLayoutTemplate().getContent("corner");
//corner.setEvent("onmousedown", "DragtheGrid");
corner.setEvent("onmousedown", "dragStart(event, 'DivCont1')");
// disable scroll if desired
obj.getTemplate("top/item").setEvent("onmousedown", null);
// write grid html to the page
try {
document.getElementById("DivCont1").innerHTML = obj;
}, 100);
Yeah, the example you posted works the same way. Grab on fairly right of the horz scoll bar or fairly down on the vert scoll bar and will resize as well??? Huh, I will have to look into this...
Maybe the statement isn't necessary for me as I have been playing with different ie emu and am trying to just get down to one set of code. I don't ever have "failures" for the adjustSize, but I guess it is probably faster for the user of ie, if I check, so they don't have wait for the adjustSize to complete. I have had dragging resize the grid, but only if I am very close to the edge, where it could be ambiguous. This is even in Firefox 1.0.3.
No, but I will. At work now. Will try tonight. If you already find it works by then please post fix.
I have a new genresize that fixes the following bugs (probably should clean up code now).
1) if you scrolled to the right and then grabbed the scroll bar on the right to scroll back, grid would start resizing even though you weren't near the edge. This is b/c window.event.offsetX does not subtract out the amount you have scrolled. Ie if you found the xPos within the div and then scrolled over shifting the inside by 200px, and found xPos again it would be 200px larger. Fix by using:
if (yPos-event.srcElement.scrollTop<offset) dir += "n";
else if (yPos-event.srcElement.scrollTop > el.offsetHeight-offset) dir += "s";
if (xPos-event.srcElement.scrollLeft<offset) dir += "w";
else if (xPos-event.srcElement.scrollLeft > el.offsetWidth-offset) dir += "e";
return dir;
notice the use of scrollLeft/scrollTop
2) if you grab the very top of a cell or the far left of a cell, you could click and drag and resize the grid, even though you were on the edge of the cell not the grid... the reason for this is the function getreal returns a valid value if, the element at the body level, not necessarily the one you are in ie...
if you have
<div class="resizeMe">
and you clicked on the edge of the inner div, it would return a valid direction because the class of the div at the body level (not within another div) was class resizeMe.
I have no idea why they wanted it this way, but it seems planned.
The fix for this, is replace ever instance of:
var el = getReal(event.srcElement, "className", "resizeMe");
var el = event.srcElement;
but then you can resize the div within each, you have to add this if statement around the block of code within doDown shown here..
if (el.className == "resizeMe") { //added if
theobject = new resizeObject();
theobject.el = el;
theobject.dir = dir;
theobject.grabx = window.event.clientX;
theobject.graby = window.event.clientY;
theobject.width = el.offsetWidth;
theobject.height = el.offsetHeight;
theobject.left = el.offsetLeft; = el.offsetTop;
} //add end if
or it will still create theobject and because you are now using the scrElement instead of the one at the body level it will resize inside the cell instead of the grid.
3) if you clicked near the edge, even where it wasn't showing the resize arrow pointers and dragged the mouse it would resize.
The fix for this is simple. Make the padding of your div of class resizeMe equal the variable offsets value in getDirection.
Anyhoot... here is the new genresize.js
// Generic Resize by Erik Arvidsson //
// //
// You may use this script as long as this disclaimer is remained. //
// See for mor info //
// //
// How to use this script! //
// Link the script in the HEAD and create a container (DIV, preferable //
// absolute positioned) and add the class="resizeMe" to it. //
//last modified, by corbin champion 6/5/05
//details of that fix in active widgets forum
var theobject = null; //This gets a value as soon as a resize start
function resizeObject() {
this.el = null; //pointer to the object
this.dir = ""; //type of current resize (n, s, e, w, ne, nw, se, sw)
this.grabx = null; //Some useful values
this.graby = null;
this.width = null;
this.height = null;
this.left = null; = null;
//Find out what kind of resize! Return a string inlcluding the directions
function getDirection(el) {
var xPos, yPos, offset, dir;
dir = "";
xPos = window.event.offsetX;
yPos = window.event.offsetY;
offset = 4; //The distance from the edge in pixels
if (yPos-event.srcElement.scrollTop<offset) dir += "n";
else if (yPos-event.srcElement.scrollTop > el.offsetHeight-offset) dir += "s";
if (xPos-event.srcElement.scrollLeft<offset) dir += "w";
else if (xPos-event.srcElement.scrollLeft > el.offsetWidth-offset) dir += "e";
return dir;
function doDown() {
//var el = getReal(event.srcElement, "className", "resizeMe");
var el = event.srcElement;
if (el == null) {
theobject = null;
dir = getDirection(el);
if (dir == "") return;
if (el.className == "resizeMe") {
theobject = new resizeObject();
theobject.el = el;
theobject.dir = dir;
theobject.grabx = window.event.clientX;
theobject.graby = window.event.clientY;
theobject.width = el.offsetWidth;
theobject.height = el.offsetHeight;
theobject.left = el.offsetLeft; = el.offsetTop;
window.event.returnValue = false;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
function doUp() {
if (theobject != null) {
theobject = null;
function doMove() {
var el, xPos, yPos, str, xMin, yMin;
xMin = 8; //The smallest width possible
yMin = 8; // height
el = event.srcElement;
if (el.className == "resizeMe") {
str = getDirection(el);
//Fix the cursor
if (str == "") str = "default";
else str += "-resize"; = str;
//Dragging starts here
if(theobject != null) {
if (dir.indexOf("e") != -1) = Math.max(xMin, theobject.width + window.event.clientX - theobject.grabx) + "px";
if (dir.indexOf("s") != -1) = Math.max(yMin, theobject.height + window.event.clientY - theobject.graby) + "px";
if (dir.indexOf("w") != -1) { = Math.min(theobject.left + window.event.clientX - theobject.grabx, theobject.left + theobject.width - xMin) + "px"; = Math.max(xMin, theobject.width - window.event.clientX + theobject.grabx) + "px";
if (dir.indexOf("n") != -1) { = Math.min( + window.event.clientY - theobject.graby, + theobject.height - yMin) + "px"; = Math.max(yMin, theobject.height - window.event.clientY + theobject.graby) + "px";
window.event.returnValue = false;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
function getReal(el, type, value) {
temp = el;
while ((temp != null) && (temp.tagName != "BODY")) {
if (eval("temp." + type) == value) {
el = temp;
return el;
temp = temp.parentElement;
return el;
document.onmousedown = doDown;
document.onmouseup = doUp;
document.onmousemove = doMove;
Do you have the code for this? Could you create an example? Because for me, this issue doesn't show up. I changed several things from my first example, so it is possible I left something out.
Sure, about joining efforts. I am pretty happy with what I have now. May move the drag to be a whole bar across top as opposed to corner, but mostly happy now. I really want to know if you find bugs, such as the one you described, whether I see it or not so I can verify that my code is robust in that nature and I can help if I have already been there and solved the given issue. This is part of a larger project I am working on. I will have a example of the whole thing up soon. (hopefully a week or so) In the mean time would be willing to share code, discuss etc.
I am wondering that (if you could not) maybe it is because you are using a different ieemu ??
It does not resize for me either and I have no IE addon tools installed at all. ORIG does not resize and OFFSET8 does resize. In FireFox 1.04 neither grid works at all. I get an outline and the drag box (which does work by the way) but no grid content.
sorry been gone for a while. let me look at this during the weekend.
This topic is archived.