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is it possible to get access to the XML data that was returned by setURL(...)?

The server side code returns more fileds than what I display but I would like to get the value in one of the "extra" fields when a user clicks on a row. For example, it returns 5 fields but I only display 4 and when the clicks on the 2nd row, I want the value in the 5th field for this second row.
Friday, February 20, 2004
First, you can get access to XML doc if you plug your code into data.response method:

var defaultResponse = data.response;
data.response = function(xml){
defaultResponse.call(this, xml);
// store reference to xml (DOMDocument)

alternatively you can have more fields in the data model than you have columns in the grid. The data access methods will work for all the data regardless of how many columns you display.

obj.setProperty("column/count", 4);
var extra = obj.getProperty("data/text", 2, 5);
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Friday, February 20, 2004

This topic is archived.

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