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[poll] Grid footer, where should it be?
Stupid question - should the grid footer be above or below the horizontal scrollbar?
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Stupid answer - I have never seen the grid with footer below the horizontal scrollbar. This kind of the footer will not look well.
Friday, February 27, 2004
I think above the scrollbar. Definately not part of the up and down scroll though. It should function just like the header, though it wouldn't have to be able to resize the columns.
Chadd Whistler
Friday, February 27, 2004
And of course it should be optional to show the footer or not!
Chadd Whistler
Friday, February 27, 2004
Sorry but I had to try, I have successfully changed your code by duplicating all header, top and column references to footer, bottom and columnfooter references. Now I am able to successfully set a footer on the grid and load a separate array of data to it and actually have it show up and scroll correctly!
The problem is that it overlays the grid header and I have no idea how you are specifying where in the grid these items are supposed to show up so I can't get it to move to the bottom just before the scroll bar.
Just thought I would throw this out in case you were able to point me in the right direction.
Chadd Whistler
Friday, February 27, 2004
The positions of the grid parts are defined in /source/styles/classic/scroll.css. You need to assign CSS selectors to the content parts like this:
obj.setClass("scroll", "footer");
will give you .active-scroll-footer selector.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Friday, February 27, 2004
Yeah I got that part except I called it bottom instead of footer since you were using top instead of header.
The top and left in the scroll.css are all set to 0 for all of your other entries so that's what I left the "bottom" entry set to. I thought that there would be somewhere in your code that would be calculating the true values but I can't seem to find anything like that.
The divs I have coming out have the .active-scroll-bottom on them, but I'm just too dense to see where you are setting the actual top and left parameters so that it shows up just before the scroll bar instead of at the top of the grid.
I even thought that your setObject statements might be positional in the scroll.js so I added my "bottom" statements before your scrollbar statements but I guess that doesn't really matter.
Chadd Whistler
Friday, February 27, 2004
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