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iframe in struts
I am using sturts frame work.I have a search scrren(say "parent.jsp") .After clicking the search i will get the results.each results have a hyperlink and also a check box and disply button.if i click on the hyperlink it is going to one jsp say "viewDetails.jsp" and if i check the check box and click on display button it is going to some other jsp "editDetails.jsp". I can click any one of the hyper link or display button.Now the requirement is after clicking the hyperlink the next jsp(viewDetails.jsp) should be displayed in the same jsp(parent.jsp) in a frame in the bottom.if I select a record and click on the "display" button i should see the jsp (editDetails.jsp) in the same jsp(parent.jsp) and in the same frame.
Prakhya Sasi
Friday, August 19, 2005
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