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mysql table editable
hi, any1 know how to make the following aw gtid editable..
<title>Free Hardware :: PHP Example</title>
<style> body, html {margin:0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden;font: menu;border: none;} </style>
<link href="../runtime/styles/xp/grid.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ></link>
<script src="../runtime/lib/grid.js"></script>
<?php include("activewidgets.php") ?>
include 'dbconnect.php';
$name = "obj";
$query = "select * from `tp` limit 0,20";
$connection = mysql_connect("", "root", "123456");
$data = mysql_query($query, $connection);
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
dnmes has a good idea, but it don't solve my problem. How can I get some variable from JS to use it in my PHP? I have to get some text from form by JS, use that text in php variable. dnmes's code only prints JS code in php, it is not getting JS value into php variable.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
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