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Grid doesn't show some characters

Hi, first congratulations for you for the work.

Second, as i'm from Brazil, the portuguese language has some characters that english doesn't have, such as "ç,á,ü".

Well, the problem is when i try to load the XML content (built from a database) with those characters, the content is not loaded in the grid, and the browser shows an error (i'm using IE6 as browser). When i change the database content to normal characters, it works fine.

Does grid control support those characters?
Rodrigo (Brasil)
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Cara, não é o grid quem tem que suportar os character set da lingua portuguesa, mas o browser. Você pode tentar forçar que o browser utilize o characther set correto desta forma:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
blah blah bl;ah b... ;-)

De toda a forma, pode ser realmente que exista alguma limitação intrínseca a este grid especificamente. Eu sinceramente já fiz o meu e não uso este tão cedo (já tentou criar um grid com 1500 itens? este é muuuuuuito lento...)

Um abc!
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Valeu cara!

Acho estranho pois já estou utilizando-o assim. Mas vou ver se é problema com o db, talvez seja (eu gero um xml dinamicamente do db e o coloco no grid).

Quanto a um bom grid, qual vc utiliza?


Thanks man!

I think it's not a problem inside the HTML code, because i use this language as well. But i'll try to find out if it's about the database, because i buid the XML dynamicaly.
Rodrigo (Brasil)
Thursday, March 11, 2004
As long as your XML is correct the grid should be able to display the characters (I saw Chinese, Hebrew and other alphabets - no problem). Make sure IE can display your XML data when you put the data URL into the command line. You may need to escape the characters if you are building the XML with plain string concatenation. Also its necessary to have HTTP header 'Content-Type: text/xml'.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Eu não uso grids prontos, criei o meu próprio pois precisava de um objeto que fosse nào apenas grid, mas também listview.

Infelizmente, não posso mostrar o código pois é proprietário da Aker, empresa onde trabalho, para o novo produto deles que vai ser demostrado no Security Week de São Paulo semana que vem

De toda a forma, já estou trabalhando em uma nova versão pois pedi demissão daqui. Aí, essa versão pretendo lançar open source.

Estou no estágio de remodelagem da classe ainda pois tem muita sujeira no código antigo (coisas que foram sendo criadas simplesmente porque tinham que ser criadas dão nisso...).

O projeto vai ficar hospedado na sourceforge, sob o nome JSObjects. Ainda estou esperando a aprovação do projeto por eles.

Na verdade, o que estou criando é uma biblioteca com todos os objetos HTML refeitos do jeito que deveriam ser (checkboxes e radios com labels clicáveis, menus direitos com possibilidade de ter outros objetos dentro como listboxes, listview - grid e treeview - em um único objeto, etc...)

Se quiser, acompanha o projeto, pois vai ser massa. Vamos usar ele para fazer interfaces web para uma distro de FreeBSD voltada para gateways (firewall, smtp, IDS, etc...)

Um abc!
Friday, March 12, 2004
Pablo se vc quiser um "test-driver" manda seu email para mim, ok?!?
Rodrigo (Brasil)
Monday, March 15, 2004
O Projeto foi aprovado, mas não tem nada ainda. http://jsobjects.sf.net. E meu e-mail é phackwer@bsdmail.org

Thursday, March 25, 2004
My brazilian portuguese is not quite brushed up, so maybe I am missing
the solution here, but I am having the same problem with national characters in iso-8859-1 (Latin-1).

For instance: An iso8859-1-encoded Micrösoft displays as Micr?t

"-quoting and META-tagged character-encoding did not help me.
I am loading from a tab separated file for testing, will move to
some other data source later on.

It is not apparent to me what kind of quoting would be necessary,
or for which involved part the quoting is intended.

From what I've seen so far, the grid displays very nicely, clean and lean, and is also very simple to use. Good work!
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
I guess the trick is to make your web server sending correct Content-Type: ???; charset=??? header with the CSV file. Also, if you create the file on Windows, it might be UTF-8, not iso8859-1.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Yes, I also tried setting that header in IIS, but no effect. Strange.
(Environment: English WinXP, IIS, some Swedish regional settings)

However, recoding the file to UTF-8 did work. Thanks for
pointing me in that direction.

This is fine for the moment. If anyone else here can
provide hints to what might be wrong with my ISO-8859-1
setup, or share a working example, I'd be very grateful.

Thursday, June 17, 2004
It´s me again. My problem was related to the database encoding. I use porstgresql and i was working on a UNICODE encoded database. When i changed the encode to LATIN1 (which does support the brazilian portuguese characters), everything worked just fine.

The problem was when i tried to record those characters, the database was recording some strange characters. These were crashing when i built the grid and even when i built the xml file.
Rodrigo (Brasil)
Monday, June 28, 2004
First times I try to create grid xml from example (folder data), I inserted some charactor in other language (thai language), grid cannot display in correct format.

so, I insert the header to the xml file with this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> and refresh grid but still cannot. If I save the xml file as "UTF-8" format then grid display correct. I don't know why.
Thammapat (Thai)
Monday, November 7, 2005

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