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Have issues
When I double click on a row/cell i get an error. Here is the line it errors on
prepareEdit(this.getId() , src.getProperty("item/index"), cell, myData );
I'm assuming this function is in the edit.js file that you are referrencing. Is it possible to look at or get this file. Thank you
Matt Klabacka
Thursday, September 1, 2005
Is this inside a setEvent call? If so, the issue is the 'this'. Try and change the line to this:
prepareEdit(src.getId() , src.getProperty("item/index"), cell, myData );
Jim Hunter
Thursday, September 1, 2005
I think I need to see more of the code to know exactly if 'this' is the problem or 'src'.
Jim Hunter
Friday, September 2, 2005
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