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How do I change xmldata from Active.Table.XML
I'm trying to change Data in the xml dom object which is bound to the Active.Table.XML object.
Lets asume a loaded and visible grid which has a data model of type Active.Table.XML
Now I can get the xml dom object by calling
var xml = grid.getDataModel().getXML()
I'm doing some xml manipulations where the textnodes of the entities are changed:
xml.selectSingleNode('//item[1]/id').firstChild.nodeValue = 'new value'; value
Now I want the grid to display the changed values in the xml dom.
How can I do this?
Simply calling grid.refresh() leads to the problem that the "selectionChanged" handler
function select(src) {
var row = src.getProperty('selection/index');
var id = src.getDataProperty('text', row, 0);
which is assigned to the grid is not able to get the data property value through src.getDataProperty("text",row,0). The selection is properly retrieved by src.getProperty('selection/index').
This happens in FireFox 1.0.6 not in IE 6.
Any help would be great!
Thank you!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
I tested this with FireFox 1.5beta1 and the odd behaviour of FireFox 1.0.6 is gone!!!
So it seems to be somethin specific to event handling with FireFox 1.0.6.
Alex, can you give a hint?
Would be much appreciated. Thanx.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
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