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Using double click events to open another page?? help urgent
I am currently working on a dynamic web page, i have two frames on one page, which i have created using Javascript, PHP and Smarty. What i would like is to set an event such that when i click on a row in the top grid, the corresponding results are shown in the bottom grid. It is more like a hyperlink but i do not wish to use hyperlinks but rather prefer events.
Please help urgently
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
It doesn't matter what you call it, you are going to have to send a call back to the server to return the correct data for the second grid (unless you have it all already in an array and you are filtering it on the client side). You can do this in a link or via a call to a function that then sends the information to the server, it's up to you as to the way you want to do it. If it were me, I would create a function that accepts a row number and then send that row number back to the server that responds with Javascript to change the data array of the second grid, along with all the other calls you will need to set the grid up for the new data, then refresh the grid.
Jim Hunter
Monday, January 2, 2006
I am currently working on a dynamic web page, i have two frames on one page, which i have created using Javascript and HTML. What i would like is to set an event such that when i double click on a row in the grid, the corresponding results are shown in the new HTML page grid.
Manjunath N G
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
I think you are going to have to create a set of functions in the main page that sends calls to functions in the Frames. From the one frame, you are going to have to call parent.yourfunctionname and send it your parameters, then that function will have to call a function in the other Frame. You might be able to get to the other frame directly (assuming that they are both on the same domain) by using the notation parent.getElementById("FrameName").FunctionName. It has been a while since I did Frames, but that might work. There might be several ways to do this. If my examples don't work, I suggest Googeling for cross frame scripting.
Jim Hunter (www.FriendsOfAW.com)
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
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