if (!window.My) My=[];
if (!My.Templates) My.Templates=[];
My.Templates.Select = Active.Templates.Text.subclass();
My.Templates.Select.prototype._options = new Array();
My.Templates.Select.create = function()
var obj = this.prototype;
obj.addOption = function( text, value )
this._options.push( new Array( value ? value : text, text) );
obj.clearOptions = function()
this._options = new Array();
obj.getOptions = function()
return this._options;
var editor = new Active.HTML.DIV;
editor.setClass("templates", "input");
editor.setAttribute("type", "text");
editor.setEvent("onblur", function(event) { this.switchToTextMode( event ); } );
editor.setContent( "options", function()
var text = template.getItemProperty("text");
var inputOptions = obj._options;
var optionsHTML = new Array();
for( i=0; i< inputOptions.length; i++ )
var oTag = new Active.System.HTML();
var val = inputOptions[i][0];
var txt = inputOptions[i][1];
oTag.setAttribute( "value", val );
if ( text==txt )
oTag.setAttribute( "selected","true" );
optionsHTML.push( oTag );
return optionsHTML.join("");
// template variable provides temporary reference
// to the parent template during edit mode.
var template;
function switchToEditMode()
template = this;
template.element().style.padding = 0;
template.element().innerHTML = editor;
obj.setEvent("onfocus", switchToEditMode);
function switchToTextMode()
var originalText = template.getItemProperty("text");
var value = editor.element().value;
var selectedIndex = editor.element().selectedIndex;
var text = editor.element().options[selectedIndex].text;
// we want to compare the text in the grid
// grid display only the text
if(originalText != text)
template.setItemProperty("text", text);
template.setItemProperty("value", value);
template = null;
obj.onChangeEvent = function()
// alert("User must override this function to recieve the events");
editor.setEvent("onblur", switchToTextMode);
obj.getDataText = function(i, j){return myData[i][j]};
obj.setDataText = function(value, i, j){myData[i][j] = value};
function clone (deep) {
var objectClone = new this.constructor();
for (var property in this)
if (!deep)
objectClone[property] = this[property];
else if (typeof this[property] == 'object')
objectClone[property] = this[property].clone(deep);
objectClone[property] = this[property];
return objectClone;
Object.prototype.clone = clone;
This topic is archived.