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Make 2.0 b3 grid editable

I know there's lots of posts on this, but frankly they are not clear to me, please what is the easiest way to make the grid editable, thanks.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Find this file:
ActiveWidgets\examples\new\add delete row.htm

THis grid is editable. The catch - your data has to be in a 2d array.
Hope this helps.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Thank you.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Did you read the source code that came with the toolkit? In the gird.htm file in the QuckRef folder it has a section called "Cell Editor" that has two lines of code to control editing:

obj.setEditorTemplate(new AW.UI.Combo, 1); // column-1, and you don't want to use the standard input control to edit

//obj.setCellEditable(false); // it's True by default!

So if you don't do anything, the grid is already editable. Hit ENTER when the cursor is in a cell, once you are done editing, hit ENTER again to save the changes.
Jim Hunter
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Code above is deprecated - right Alex? Please confirm.

I need a nice example of editable grid with various type of editors. Please reply if someone already invented the wheel.

1. Input
2. Combo
3. Checkbox
4. Calendar
5. Currency ($000,000,000.00)

What will be the proffered way of developing custom editor?

Thanks in advance.

Setting a column template using following code leaves column editable even if you call

obj.setCellTemplate(new AW.Templates.Combo, 4);

Is this bug or feature?

Sudhaker Raj
Friday, August 25, 2006
Sudhaker, IMHO I think last one is a feature, otherwise locking the cell template to prevent changes when setCellEditable(false) seems to me too restrictive in many situations.
(i.e show other elements or pictures into cells without editing it's content)
Sunday, August 27, 2006

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