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v2.0 Date format question

I got a trouble on date formatting...

The script -
var date = new AW.Formats.Date;
date.setTextFormat("dd mmm yyyy");

The date [xml] -
This works:

But , what if the time is

the second does not work due to the 0.99 is not zero filled to 7 digits.

What can i do to make the second one works too?
Remark: the second one's time is retrieved from mssql.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
I guess this is AW bug (or lack of flexibility :-)

You should change the following regexp

var xmlExpr = /^(....).(..).(..).(..).(..).(..)........(...).(..)/;

in /source/lib/formats/date.js
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Monday, December 19, 2005

This topic is archived.

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