Extended grid control.
var obj = new AW.Grid.Extended;
bottom | Bottom-left corner (selector) data. |
bottom data | |
bottom format | |
bottom image | Bottom selector image. |
bottom link | |
bottom state | Bottom-selector state. |
bottom text | Bottom selector text. |
bottom tooltip | Bottom selector tooltip. |
bottom value | Bottom selector value. |
cell | Cell data. |
cell data | Cell data. |
cell editable | Indicates whether the cell can be edited. |
cell format | Cell formatting object. |
cell image | Cell image. |
cell link | Cell hyperlink URL. |
cell selected | Indicates whether the cell is selected. |
cell state | Cell state. |
cell text | Cell text. |
cell tooltip | Cell tooltip. |
cell value | Cell value. |
column | Column indices and state. |
column count | Number of columns. |
column indices | Array of the column indices. |
column offset | Offset of the first column. |
column position | Column position. |
column resizable | Indicates whether the column is resizable. |
column selected | Indicates whether the column is selected. |
column state | Column state. |
column width | Column width. |
content | Content sections size. |
content height | Height of the content section. |
content width | Width of the content section. |
control | Control data. |
control format | Formatting object. |
control image | Image name. |
control link | Hyperlink URL. |
control state | Control's state. |
control text | Displayed text. |
control tooltip | Tooltip text. |
control value | Control's value. |
control visible | Control's visibility. |
current | Current row/column. |
current column | Current column. |
current row | Current row. |
current selection | Indicates what is selected. |
fixed | Number of fixed columns. |
fixed left | Number of the fixed columns on the left side. |
fixed right | Number of the fixed columns on the right side. |
footer | Footer data. |
footer count | Number of footer rows. |
footer data | |
footer format | |
footer height | Height of the footer row. |
footer image | Footer image. |
footer indices | Array of footer row indices. |
footer link | |
footer offset | Offset of the first footer row. |
footer state | Footer row state. |
footer text | Footer text. |
footer tooltip | Footer tooltip. |
footer value | Footer value. |
footer visible | Indicates whether footers are visible. |
header | Header data. |
header count | Number of header rows. |
header data | |
header format | |
header height | Height of the header row. |
header image | Header image. |
header indices | Array of header row indices. |
header link | |
header offset | Offset of the first header row. |
header state | Header row state. |
header text | Header text. |
header tooltip | Header tooltip. |
header value | Header value. |
header visible | Indicates whether headers are visible. |
panel | Panel sections sizes. |
panel height | Panel section height. |
panel width | Panel section width. |
row | Rows data. |
row count | Number of rows. |
row height | Row height. |
row indices | Array of the row indices. |
row offset | Offset of the first row. |
row position | Row position. |
row selected | Indicates if the row is selected. |
row state | Row state. |
scroll | Scroll data. |
scroll bars | Indicates which scrollbars are visible. |
scroll height | Vertical scrolling range. |
scroll left | Horizontal scroll position. |
scroll top | Vertical scroll position. |
scroll width | Horizontal scrolling range. |
selected | Selection data. |
selected columns | Array of the selected columns indices. |
selected rows | Array of the selected rows indices. |
selection | Selection type. |
selection mode | Selection mode. |
selection multiple | Indicates whether multiple selection is allowed. |
selector | Row selector data. |
selector data | |
selector format | |
selector image | Row selector image. |
selector link | |
selector resizable | Indicates whether the selector is resizable. |
selector state | Row selector state. |
selector text | Row selector text. |
selector tooltip | Row selector tooltip. |
selector value | Row selector value. |
selector visible | Indicates whether row selector is visible. |
selector width | Row selector width. |
sort | Sort data. |
sort column | Index of the last sorted column. |
sort direction | Sort direction. |
tab | Tab index. |
tab index | Tab index. |
top | Top selector data. |
top data | |
top format | |
top image | Top selector image. |
top link | |
top state | Top selector state. |
top text | Top selector text. |
top tooltip | Top selector tooltip. |
top value | Top selector value. |
virtual | Virtual mode data. |
virtual mode | Indicates whether virtual mode is enabled. |
virtual top | View area top row position. |
bottom | Footer rows list template. |
bottomSelector | Bottom selector template. |
cell | Cell template. |
content | Content template. |
footer | Footer cell template. |
footers | Footer row template. |
header | Header cell template. |
headers | Headers row template. |
layout | Grid layout template. |
panel | Panel section template. |
popup | Popup content template. |
row | Row template. |
rows | Row list template. |
scroll | Scrollbars template. |
selector | Row selector template. |
separator | Header separator template. |
top | Header rows list template. |
topSelector | Top selector template. |
addRow | Adds new grid row. |
calculateCellState | Returns cell state. |
calculateRowState | Returns row state. |
clear | Clears all models. |
clearBottomModel | Clears bottom model |
clearCellModel | Clears cell model |
clearColumnModel | Clears column model |
clearContentModel | Clears content model |
clearControlModel | Clears control model |
clearCurrentModel | Clears current model |
clearFixedModel | Clears fixed model |
clearFooterModel | Clears footer model |
clearHeaderModel | Clears header model |
clearPanelModel | Clears panel model |
clearRowModel | Clears row model |
clearScrollModel | Clears scroll model |
clearSelectedModel | Clears selected model |
clearSelectionModel | Clears selection model |
clearSelectorModel | Clears selector model |
clearSortModel | Clears sort model |
clearTabModel | Clears tab model |
clearTopModel | Clears top model |
clearVirtualModel | Clears virtual model |
clone | Creates an object clone. |
defineBottomProperty | Creates new bottom property |
defineCellProperty | Creates new cell property |
defineColumnProperty | Creates new column property |
defineContentProperty | Creates new content property |
defineControlProperty | Creates new control property |
defineCurrentProperty | Creates new current property |
defineFixedProperty | Creates new fixed property |
defineFooterProperty | Creates new footer property |
defineHeaderProperty | Creates new header property |
defineModel | Creates get/set methods for the model. |
definePanelProperty | Creates new panel property |
defineRowProperty | Creates new row property |
defineScrollProperty | Creates new scroll property |
defineSelectedProperty | Creates new selected property |
defineSelectionProperty | Creates new selection property |
defineSelectorProperty | Creates new selector property |
defineSortProperty | Creates new sort property |
defineTabProperty | Creates new tab property |
defineTemplate | Creates get/set methods for the template. |
defineTopProperty | Creates new top property |
defineVirtualProperty | Creates new virtual property |
deleteRow | Deletes the grid row. |
element | Returns the reference to the HTML element. |
getAttribute | Returns the value of the attribute. |
getBottomData | Returns bottom data |
getBottomFormat | Returns bottom format |
getBottomImage | Returns bottom image |
getBottomLink | Returns bottom link |
getBottomModel | Returns bottom model |
getBottomProperty | Returns bottom property |
getBottomSelectorTemplate | Returns bottomSelector template |
getBottomState | Returns bottom state |
getBottomTemplate | Returns bottom template |
getBottomText | Returns bottom text |
getBottomTooltip | Returns bottom tooltip |
getBottomValue | Returns bottom value |
getCellData | Returns cell data |
getCellEditable | Returns cell editable |
getCellFormat | Returns cell format |
getCellImage | Returns cell image |
getCellLink | Returns cell link |
getCellModel | Returns cell model |
getCellProperty | Returns cell property |
getCellSelected | Returns cell selected |
getCellState | Returns cell state |
getCellTemplate | Returns cell template |
getCellText | Returns cell text |
getCellTooltip | Returns cell tooltip |
getCellValue | Returns cell value |
getClass | Returns the value of the CSS class. |
getColumnCount | Returns column count |
getColumnIndices | Returns column indices |
getColumnModel | Returns column model |
getColumnOffset | Returns column offset |
getColumnPosition | Returns column position |
getColumnProperty | Returns column property |
getColumnResizable | Returns column resizable |
getColumnSelected | Returns column selected |
getColumnState | Returns column state |
getColumnWidth | Returns column width |
getContent | Returns the named HTML fragment. |
getContentHeight | Returns content height |
getContentModel | Returns content model |
getContentProperty | Returns content property |
getContentTemplate | Returns content template |
getContentWidth | Returns content width |
getControlFormat | Returns control format |
getControlImage | Returns control image |
getControlLink | Returns control link |
getControlModel | Returns control model |
getControlProperty | Returns control property |
getControlState | Returns control state |
getControlText | Returns control text |
getControlTooltip | Returns control tooltip |
getControlValue | Returns control value |
getControlVisible | Returns control visible |
getCurrentColumn | Returns current column |
getCurrentModel | Returns current model |
getCurrentProperty | Returns current property |
getCurrentRow | Returns current row |
getCurrentSelection | Returns current selection |
getEvent | Returns the HTML event handler. |
getFixedLeft | Returns fixed left |
getFixedModel | Returns fixed model |
getFixedProperty | Returns fixed property |
getFixedRight | Returns fixed right |
getFooterCount | Returns footer count |
getFooterData | Returns footer data |
getFooterFormat | Returns footer format |
getFooterHeight | Returns footer height |
getFooterImage | Returns footer image |
getFooterIndices | Returns footer indices |
getFooterLink | Returns footer link |
getFooterModel | Returns footer model |
getFooterOffset | Returns footer offset |
getFooterProperty | Returns footer property |
getFooterState | Returns footer state |
getFooterTemplate | Returns footer template |
getFooterText | Returns footer text |
getFooterTooltip | Returns footer tooltip |
getFooterValue | Returns footer value |
getFooterVisible | Returns footer visible |
getFootersTemplate | Returns footers template |
getHeaderCount | Returns header count |
getHeaderData | Returns header data |
getHeaderFormat | Returns header format |
getHeaderHeight | Returns header height |
getHeaderImage | Returns header image |
getHeaderIndices | Returns header indices |
getHeaderLink | Returns header link |
getHeaderModel | Returns header model |
getHeaderOffset | Returns header offset |
getHeaderProperty | Returns header property |
getHeaderState | Returns header state |
getHeaderTemplate | Returns header template |
getHeaderText | Returns header text |
getHeaderTooltip | Returns header tooltip |
getHeaderValue | Returns header value |
getHeaderVisible | Returns header visible |
getHeadersTemplate | Returns headers template |
getId | Returns the unique ID of this object. |
getLayoutTemplate | Returns layout template |
getModel | Returns the external model. |
getPanelHeight | Returns panel height |
getPanelModel | Returns panel model |
getPanelProperty | Returns panel property |
getPanelTemplate | Returns panel template |
getPanelWidth | Returns panel width |
getPopupTemplate | Returns popup template |
getRowCount | Returns row count |
getRowHeight | Returns row height |
getRowIndices | Returns row indices |
getRowModel | Returns row model |
getRowOffset | Returns row offset |
getRowPosition | Returns row position |
getRowProperty | Returns row property |
getRowSelected | Returns row selected |
getRowState | Returns row state |
getRowTemplate | Returns row template |
getRowsTemplate | Returns rows template |
getScrollBars | Returns scroll bars |
getScrollHeight | Returns scroll height |
getScrollLeft | Returns scroll left |
getScrollModel | Returns scroll model |
getScrollProperty | Returns scroll property |
getScrollTemplate | Returns scroll template |
getScrollTop | Returns scroll top |
getScrollWidth | Returns scroll width |
getSelectedColumns | Returns selected columns |
getSelectedModel | Returns selected model |
getSelectedProperty | Returns selected property |
getSelectedRows | Returns selected rows |
getSelectionMode | Returns selection mode |
getSelectionModel | Returns selection model |
getSelectionMultiple | Returns selection multiple |
getSelectionProperty | Returns selection property |
getSelectorData | Returns selector data |
getSelectorFormat | Returns selector format |
getSelectorImage | Returns selector image |
getSelectorLink | Returns selector link |
getSelectorModel | Returns selector model |
getSelectorProperty | Returns selector property |
getSelectorResizable | Returns selector resizable |
getSelectorState | Returns selector state |
getSelectorTemplate | Returns selector template |
getSelectorText | Returns selector text |
getSelectorTooltip | Returns selector tooltip |
getSelectorValue | Returns selector value |
getSelectorVisible | Returns selector visible |
getSelectorWidth | Returns selector width |
getSeparatorTemplate | Returns separator template |
getSortColumn | Returns sort column |
getSortDirection | Returns sort direction |
getSortModel | Returns sort model |
getSortProperty | Returns sort property |
getStyle | Returns the value of the CSS style attribute. |
getTabIndex | Returns tab index |
getTabModel | Returns tab model |
getTabProperty | Returns tab property |
getTag | Returns the HTML tag name. |
getTemplate | Returns the template. |
getTopData | Returns top data |
getTopFormat | Returns top format |
getTopImage | Returns top image |
getTopLink | Returns top link |
getTopModel | Returns top model |
getTopProperty | Returns top property |
getTopSelectorTemplate | Returns topSelector template |
getTopState | Returns top state |
getTopTemplate | Returns top template |
getTopText | Returns top text |
getTopTooltip | Returns top tooltip |
getTopValue | Returns top value |
getVirtualMode | Returns virtual mode |
getVirtualModel | Returns virtual model |
getVirtualProperty | Returns virtual property |
getVirtualTop | Returns virtual top |
init | Initializes the object. |
mapModel | Redirects property requests. |
mapTemplate | Redirects template requests. |
raiseEvent | Raises AW control event. |
refresh | Updates the HTML element. |
refreshClasses | Updates the className attribute of the HTML element. |
setAttribute | Sets the value of the attribute. |
setBottomData | Sets bottom data |
setBottomFormat | Sets bottom format |
setBottomImage | Sets bottom image |
setBottomLink | Sets bottom link |
setBottomModel | Sets bottom model |
setBottomProperty | Sets bottom property |
setBottomSelectorTemplate | Sets bottomSelector template |
setBottomState | Sets bottom state |
setBottomTemplate | Sets bottom template |
setBottomText | Sets bottom text |
setBottomTooltip | Sets bottom tooltip |
setBottomValue | Sets bottom value |
setCellData | Sets cell data |
setCellEditable | Sets cell editable |
setCellFormat | Sets cell format |
setCellImage | Sets cell image |
setCellLink | Sets cell link |
setCellModel | Sets cell model |
setCellProperty | Sets cell property |
setCellSelected | Sets cell selected |
setCellState | Sets cell state |
setCellTemplate | Sets cell template |
setCellText | Sets cell text |
setCellTooltip | Sets cell tooltip |
setCellValue | Sets cell value |
setClass | Sets the value of the CSS class. |
setColumnCount | Sets column count |
setColumnIndices | Sets column indices |
setColumnModel | Sets column model |
setColumnOffset | Sets column offset |
setColumnPosition | Sets column position |
setColumnProperty | Sets column property |
setColumnResizable | Sets column resizable |
setColumnSelected | Sets column selected |
setColumnState | Sets column state |
setColumnWidth | Sets column width |
setContent | Adds the static HTML fragment to the object. |
setContentHeight | Sets content height |
setContentModel | Sets content model |
setContentProperty | Sets content property |
setContentTemplate | Sets content template |
setContentWidth | Sets content width |
setControlFormat | Sets control format |
setControlImage | Sets control image |
setControlLink | Sets control link |
setControlModel | Sets control model |
setControlProperty | Sets control property |
setControlState | Sets control state |
setControlText | Sets control text |
setControlTooltip | Sets control tooltip |
setControlValue | Sets control value |
setControlVisible | Sets control visible |
setController | Assigns the controller. |
setCurrentColumn | Sets current column |
setCurrentModel | Sets current model |
setCurrentProperty | Sets current property |
setCurrentRow | Sets current row |
setCurrentSelection | Sets current selection |
setEvent | Assigns the HTML event handler. |
setFixedLeft | Sets fixed left |
setFixedModel | Sets fixed model |
setFixedProperty | Sets fixed property |
setFixedRight | Sets fixed right |
setFooterCount | Sets footer count |
setFooterData | Sets footer data |
setFooterFormat | Sets footer format |
setFooterHeight | Sets footer height |
setFooterImage | Sets footer image |
setFooterIndices | Sets footer indices |
setFooterLink | Sets footer link |
setFooterModel | Sets footer model |
setFooterOffset | Sets footer offset |
setFooterProperty | Sets footer property |
setFooterState | Sets footer state |
setFooterTemplate | Sets footer template |
setFooterText | Sets footer text |
setFooterTooltip | Sets footer tooltip |
setFooterValue | Sets footer value |
setFooterVisible | Sets footer visible |
setFootersTemplate | Sets footers template |
setHeaderCount | Sets header count |
setHeaderData | Sets header data |
setHeaderFormat | Sets header format |
setHeaderHeight | Sets header height |
setHeaderImage | Sets header image |
setHeaderIndices | Sets header indices |
setHeaderLink | Sets header link |
setHeaderModel | Sets header model |
setHeaderOffset | Sets header offset |
setHeaderProperty | Sets header property |
setHeaderState | Sets header state |
setHeaderTemplate | Sets header template |
setHeaderText | Sets header text |
setHeaderTooltip | Sets header tooltip |
setHeaderValue | Sets header value |
setHeaderVisible | Sets header visible |
setHeadersTemplate | Sets headers template |
setId | Sets the unique ID for this object. |
setLayoutTemplate | Sets layout template |
setModel | Assigns the external model. |
setPanelHeight | Sets panel height |
setPanelModel | Sets panel model |
setPanelProperty | Sets panel property |
setPanelTemplate | Sets panel template |
setPanelWidth | Sets panel width |
setPopupTemplate | Sets popup template |
setPosition | Sets element position (absolute). |
setRowCount | Sets row count |
setRowHeight | Sets row height |
setRowIndices | Sets row indices |
setRowModel | Sets row model |
setRowOffset | Sets row offset |
setRowPosition | Sets row position |
setRowProperty | Sets row property |
setRowSelected | Sets row selected |
setRowState | Sets row state |
setRowTemplate | Sets row template |
setRowsTemplate | Sets rows template |
setScrollBars | Sets scroll bars |
setScrollHeight | Sets scroll height |
setScrollLeft | Sets scroll left |
setScrollModel | Sets scroll model |
setScrollProperty | Sets scroll property |
setScrollTemplate | Sets scroll template |
setScrollTop | Sets scroll top |
setScrollWidth | Sets scroll width |
setSelectedColumns | Sets selected columns |
setSelectedModel | Sets selected model |
setSelectedProperty | Sets selected property |
setSelectedRows | Sets selected rows |
setSelectionMode | Sets selection mode |
setSelectionModel | Sets selection model |
setSelectionMultiple | Sets selection multiple |
setSelectionProperty | Sets selection property |
setSelectorData | Sets selector data |
setSelectorFormat | Sets selector format |
setSelectorImage | Sets selector image |
setSelectorLink | Sets selector link |
setSelectorModel | Sets selector model |
setSelectorProperty | Sets selector property |
setSelectorResizable | Sets selector resizable |
setSelectorState | Sets selector state |
setSelectorTemplate | Sets selector template |
setSelectorText | Sets selector text |
setSelectorTooltip | Sets selector tooltip |
setSelectorValue | Sets selector value |
setSelectorVisible | Sets selector visible |
setSelectorWidth | Sets selector width |
setSeparatorTemplate | Sets separator template |
setSize | Sets element size. |
setSortColumn | Sets sort column |
setSortDirection | Sets sort direction |
setSortModel | Sets sort model |
setSortProperty | Sets sort property |
setStyle | Sets the value of the CSS style attribute. |
setTabIndex | Sets tab index |
setTabModel | Sets tab model |
setTabProperty | Sets tab property |
setTag | Sets the HTML tag name. |
setTemplate | Assigns the template. |
setTimeout | Calls the function after the specified delay. |
setTopData | Sets top data |
setTopFormat | Sets top format |
setTopImage | Sets top image |
setTopLink | Sets top link |
setTopModel | Sets top model |
setTopProperty | Sets top property |
setTopSelectorTemplate | Sets topSelector template |
setTopState | Sets top state |
setTopTemplate | Sets top template |
setTopText | Sets top text |
setTopTooltip | Sets top tooltip |
setTopValue | Sets top value |
setVirtualMode | Sets virtual mode |
setVirtualModel | Sets virtual model |
setVirtualProperty | Sets virtual property |
setVirtualTop | Sets virtual top |
sort | Sorts the grid rows. |
toString | Converts object to string. |
property change events - property changing/changed
template change events - template changed
control activation events - control activated/deactivated (focus/blur)
control keyboard events - keypress and special keys
control mouse events - control mouseover, mousedown, click
row mouse events - row mouseover, mousedown, click
row add/delete events - adding and deleting rows
header/footer mouse events - header mouseover, mousedown, click
selector mouse events - selector mouseover, mousedown, click
cell mouse events - cell mouseover, mousedown, click
cell edit events - cell editing and validation